Monday, January 20, 2014

How Reiki can help you to connect to your intuition..

Reiki has been a part of my life for 20 years now...
The first day I took the Reiki level 1 training in 1994 my life transformed. I was amazed how powerful, yet gentle the energy was, but capable of transforming my life on every level.
What I discovered was reiki opened me up more deeply to my spirituality and enhanced my intuition by connecting me on a deeper level to my intuition, which I am profoundly grateful for..
By listening to our intuition and following our intuitive guidance we are able to connect with the true inner wisdom and connect to our passions. Intuition may be felt in different ways for me I feel it in my heart as a lightness and if something feels good in my heart and brings me the feeling of joy then I follow that direction.. I also get intuitive hunches on a psychic level as well where I get visions and see images..
Intuition plays a vital role in my life and as I practice reiki on a daily basis and meditate I am constantly connecting on deeper levels and gaining new awareness's. It is a wonderful journey of self empowerment and self realisation that I have gained through working with the reiki energy..
Intuition is experienced by people in different ways some people feel a tingle in their body or get an inner knowing it is all so unique to each individual how they perceive and experience their intuition. 
Reiki allowed me to create a time and space to meditate and connect to my authentic self by releasing old attitudes, beliefs and ways of being.
I am very excited to teach Reiki and share this wonderful tool of self empowerment and connection to our spiritual self enhancing our intuition and life.
To learn about Reiki you may attend the next Reiki level 1 class