Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Children and Reiki

Children are natural born healers.. They are often very open and sensitive to the energies around them.

They have an openness and an awareness of the subtle levels of energy .We can learn so much from children.. Remember when you were a child and how much fun life seemed. .Everything was a new learning experience and seemed like we had no inhibitions. For some of us experienced and expressed emotions as they came up and many of us had imaginary friends.. It was a magical world

Many children seem to have a strong connection to their spirituality and connect really well to reiki, meditation, and activities that empower the child and increase self esteem.
There are quite a few children who are very psychic and are able to see aura's and energy ,sometimes will comment about seeing energy beings and imaginary friends

Once they have an opportunity to connect with you about reiki or energy , they may get very excited as someone understands and connect with them on a different level.

I have been honoured over the past 25 years of working with children of the invaluable lessons I have learnt and how inspiring it is to see that so many children and teens are still connected deeply to their spirituality and are very open to increase their awareness of the subtle level of energy and wanting to share their experiences about working with energy.

I always find it such an honour and a pleasure to work with them and really am passionate about working with children and reiki and connecting with them as they are so open, love to have fun and very much live in the moment..